Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kawau Island II

Stef and Nick took us up to Kawau for a second time to dive and fish. We went out to dive and try to find some crayfish (hummer). Diving in all of the kelp was really interesting. Nick was really into it and all we would see of him was usually some bubbles coming up from the kelp. He caught a crayfish but it was questionable if it was large enough so we let it back. On the boat on the way back to Vivian bay on Kawau we saw the hector dolphins, the world’s smallest dolphins. They were really busy feeding and seemed to be on a mission to go somewhere. They did however take some time to play with the waves our boat was creating. Unfortunately we did not have a camera with us. Entering Vivian bay we also stopped to get some scallops (pilgrimsmusslor). When we hit a good spot it was incredibly many scallops there and we just picked up about 60 of them or so.

Back on land Nick fried them in garlic and ginger and we shared them among the four of us as an entrée while watching the BBQ. In the evening we played Pictionary. Nick and Markus were really unbeatable as a team. The second day on the island we went out fishing. We did unfortunately not have too much fishing luck so we decided to change spots.

On the way to the new spot we say some people waving in a little boat. Apparently their motor had broken down so we spent the rest of the afternoon towing them back to their port. On the Sunday we had to go back to the mainland as Nick brother was having his bachelor party on the island the same night.

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