Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pahia and the Bay of Islands

As we missed diving the Rainbow Warrior shipwreck the last time we were in NZ we were very determined to do so this time. Therefore we went up to Pahia, which is the "capital of Bay of Islands" and then out with HQ dive to the wreck. We were really lucky with extremely flat water and sunshine. The wreck was very good with lots of emerald corals in various colours in the front. We a crazy couple that had just met that insisted on buying a case of beer as soon as we got out of the water, so everyone started preparing for the evening already in the bus, not the swedish idea of safe diving!
The day after, we went out to swim with the dolphins. Unfortunately we could not swim as the bottlenose dolphins had a pup and the pups need to feed like every third second or they can get hypothermia and die. It was however great watching all the dolphins jump and play as you can see.A very nice thing about dolpin encounters in NZ is that the dolphins are still very much wild and they are very interested in maintaining it that way and not making them too used to humans at a young age. Also these dolphins do not live in the bay of islands, they are actually only passing through. Here you can see the pup next to its mum and a very happy dolphin showing off.

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